Is Entering Lots of Competitions Online Worth the Time?

We live in a time of instant gratification, phones in hand and the ability to order anything to our door in a few taps. It’s a digital age, and part of that means the allure of online competitions is hard to resist.

Andi Peters regularly pops up on our screens selling a dream of piles of cash and exotic holidays, all for an entry that costs a couple of quid.

Whether it’s the chance to win a new gadget, a dream holiday, or a cash prize, entering competitions online has become a regular ‘investment’ for many.

Of course, very few people actually win, but that’s not in the mindset of your average competition entering ITV viewer.

With the sheer number of contests available, some might wonder if it’s truly worth the time and effort.

The key to success lies in the numbers. To put it bluntly, entering a lot of competitions significantly increases your chances of winning at least one prize. Here’s why this strategy works and why it might be worth your time.

The Odds Game – How More Entries Improve Your Chances

At its core, winning competitions is a game of chance. Each contest you enter is a separate opportunity to win, and the more entries you have, the higher your chances of success.

Think of it like buying lottery tickets; the more tickets you have, the more likely you are to hit the jackpot.

However, unlike lotteries that often involve a purchase, many online competitions are free to enter, meaning you can increase your odds without spending money.

Going back to the example of ITV’s prize draws with everyone’s best mate Andi, they draw your attention to the £2 entry options – ‘enter online!’, ‘call this number!’, ‘text us at this number!’ and so on.

If you listen carefully though, there’s also a postal address for free entries. They won’t say, ‘post your name and number to enter for free!’ though, that would make it far too obvious.

A free entry has exactly the same chance of winning as a paid entry too – you just need to pay for the stamp on a postal entry.

Anyway, I digress. Let’s get back on topic…

When you enter just one competition, your chance of winning is solely dependent on that single contest’s odds. For TV competition, that could be one in several million. Not great…

If the competition has thousands of entrants, your chances are slim. But if you enter dozens, or even hundreds of competitions, your overall chances of winning a prize increase significantly.

I should add, it’s not a linear increase – if you enter a small competition with a 1 in 100 chance of winning, a hundred entries won’t guarantee that you win anything – one of the other 99 entrants still have the same chance as any other entry.

Each entry is a new opportunity, independent of the others. Therefore, entering multiple competitions maximizes your probability of a win, but still fails to guarantee victory.

The Psychology of Consistency and Persistence

Entering many competitions can feel tedious, especially when wins don’t come immediately.

However, persistence is key. Regular entrants (often known as compers) understand that it’s a waiting game.

Just like fishing, you may not catch anything on the first try, but with enough patience and perseverance, something is bound to bite.

Consistency plays a significant role too. Setting aside a bit of time each day or week to enter competitions ensures a steady flow of entries. It’s not uncommon for dedicated compers to enter upwards of 50 competitions a week.

While this might seem excessive to some, these entrants know that the odds are on their side the more they enter. For many, it’s a numbers game paired with the mindset of persistence that eventually leads to success.

Variety of Competitions: From Easy Wins to Grand Prizes

One of the advantages of entering a large number of competitions is the diversity of prizes and odds.

Some competitions have fewer entrants, often because they require a bit more effort, like writing a short slogan or uploading a photo. These types of contests generally have better odds of winning since fewer people are willing to put in the extra effort.

On the other hand, there are simple click and enter competitions with bigger prizes and more entrants, which are harder to win individually but still worth entering as part of a broader strategy.

By spreading your efforts across a wide range of competitions—some easy, some more complex—you cover more ground and increase the likelihood of winning something, whether it’s a small prize or a grand jackpot.

Small Wins Add Up

It’s important to remember that not every win will be a life-changing event. Many compers start out winning smaller prizes such as vouchers, branded merchandise, or tickets to events.

While these prizes may seem modest, they add up over time, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivating entrants to keep going.

These small wins are proof that the strategy is working, reinforcing the habit of entering competitions regularly.

Furthermore, even small prizes can be rewarding in unexpected ways. A gift voucher can save money on shopping, a free experience can make for a fun day out, and promotional items can be useful in daily life.

These wins contribute to the overall enjoyment and make the time spent entering competitions feel worthwhile.

A Worthwhile Hobby?

While entering a large number of competitions won’t guarantee a prize every time, it undoubtedly increases your chances of winning something.

For those who enjoy the thrill of the chase and can spare a bit of time each week, the rewards can be both tangible and satisfying. The key is consistency, persistence, and a bit of luck.

So, if you have the time and enjoy the process, entering lots of competitions online can definitely be worth it. After all, you can’t win if you don’t play. Or as Andi would say… You’ve got to be in it to win it!